For Business

Best practices for showcasing Buy with Prime products on your site

Check out how other merchants are boosting shopper engagement with their products that offer Buy with Prime.


Throughout 2022, online businesses began adding Buy with Prime to their ecommerce sites. A solution designed to help merchants of all sizes succeed by giving them new tools to attract and engage shoppers to their site, Buy with Prime is proving to be an effective addition to help businesses achieve their growth goals.

Buy with Prime has been shown to increase shopper conversion by 25% on average , according to internal Amazon data. This data point measures the average increase in shoppers who placed an order when Buy with Prime was an available purchase option versus when it was not, during the same time period.

So, how are online businesses fostering shopper trust? We’ve curated some early best practices we’ve seen from merchants that have adopted Buy with Prime.

The Buy with Prime badge

The Buy with Prime badge provides a way for you to signal to Prime members that you offer Prime shopping benefits on your site. We’ve created the Buy with Prime merchant brand guidelines to help you understand how to best use the badge in your marketing materials. These guidelines are designed to help set you up for success when marketing products offering Buy with Prime to potential and existing customers in assets such as emails, blogs, social media posts, website copy, or other marketing materials. Think of the Buy with Prime badge as a confidence booster that can help build trust in your brand beyond


Buy with Prime collection pages

Once you’ve attracted engaged shoppers to your site, it’s important to make it easy for them to find your Buy with Prime products. Enter collection pages. This is a dedicated page (or pages) that allow you to showcase your Buy with Prime products. Creating a collection page can increase the chances of a shopper finding the products you’re offering with fast, free shipping and easy returns. See how these five merchants are using collection pages to improve the shopper journey for Prime members.

  1. Swell Skateboards
  2. Tiny Twinkle
  3. White Loft
  4. Archie & Alfred

There are three key recommendations for creating collection pages that will help drive discoverability and conversions. First, make it easy for shoppers to find your Buy with Prime collection pages by adding an easy to find link on the home page of your ecommerce site. Whether you add it to the global top navigation, as a call to action in the hero banner, or as a pervasive banner across your website, the key is to make it obvious where shoppers can click to find your Buy with Prime products.

Second, you’ll need to help shoppers understand what Buy with Prime is and how to use it. Given its newness, consider explaining to shoppers that using Buy with Prime provides them fast, free shipping and easy returns with estimated delivery dates. Sound familiar? Yeah, it’s similar to the experience Prime members have come to love on We recommend a FAQ drop down overview on your product detail pages that briefly explains how Buy with Prime works.

Finally, be consistent with your messaging across all your Buy with Prime eligible products on your site. In tandem with explaining that the Prime shopping experience is now available on your site, using the Buy with Prime badge and reiterating the benefit of fast, free shipping and easy returns can help broker shopper confidence and increase conversions.

Buy with Prime is a new way for you to attract and convert more shoppers. In addition to the marketing benefits that can help build shopper confidence and deliver a checkout experience millions of Prime members love, Buy with Prime can also help simplify fulfillment , giving you time back to innovate and strengthen relationships with your customers.

Good news, Buy with Prime is now available to any US-based merchant and is designed to work with most ecommerce providers . Ready to get started? Sign up now .

Related resources
4 ways to elevate your marketing using Buy with Prime
5 tips to help shoppers find Buy with Prime products on your site

John Kultgen